Bits, Bytes & Pieces

Bits, Bytes & Pieces

Explore, experiment, and evolve.


Let's embark on a thrilling exploration where programming, digital electronics, web design, and the world of Making come together. At Bits, Bytes & Pieces, we're not just discussing the tech world; we're navigating it, learning its quirks and nuances, one byte at a time. From the wonders of 3D printing to the fusion of electronics and mechanical systems, we appreciate the craftsmanship behind every creation.

I'm here, perhaps like you, as an informed amateur. Passionate, curious, and eager to demystify not just the realms of code and circuits, but also the artistry that blends the digital and tangible. As I delve into projects – be they digital explorations or tactile creations, those that soar or stumble – I share every insight, hiccup, and triumph with you.

This isn't just a blog; it's a chronicle of a journey. A space where we can celebrate the wins, learn from the missteps, and perpetually evolve. Whether you're taking your first steps in the digital realm, crafting with hands and tools, or have tread this multifaceted path for a while, there's a story here that resonates with you.

Bits, Bytes & Pieces: Where development, design, electronics, and the world of Making come together. Explore, experiment, and evolve.

Free WordPress Themes

SIxty-five WordPress Themes that are Free to use - No Strings Attached

4 minutes
Free WordPress Themes

SIxty-five WordPress Themes that are Free to use - No Strings Attached

WordPress is one of the most commonly used CMS and blogging platforms used on the internet. It enjoys a sizable market share as the platform of choice for over 40% of all sites on the internet today. I personally run several...

3D Printing Challenges

Adventures in replacing a 3D printer print head

3 minutes
3D Printing Challenges

Challenges and Opportunities

Owning a 3D printer and being an enthusiast means you will undoubtedly end up modding your printer with 3D printed upgrades, buying better components and even replacing things when they break. I find myself smack dab in the middle of the last of these scenarios.

I h...

The Great Note-Taking Showdown

Finding Your Perfect Digital Sidekick

10 minutes
The Great Note-Taking Showdown


Remember the days when your brilliant ideas were scrawled on coffee-stained napkins, only to be lost in the abyss of your junk drawer? Or that time you swore you wrote down that important meeting info, but it vanished into thin air? Well, folks, it's time to bid farewell to those pape...

The Rise of Chocolatey

A Package Manager for the Modern Age

11 minutes
The Rise of Chocolatey

1. Introduction

If you're a Windows user, you've probably experienced the headache of managing software installations, updates, and removals. It can be a time-consuming and error-prone process, especially when dealing with multiple programs. That's where package managers like Chocolatey come in.


Working With OpenSCAD

OpenSCAD Series - Part Two

14 minutes
Working With OpenSCAD

The 3D modeling tool OpenSCAD was introduced in a previous article. OpenSCAD allows the modeling of complex 3D objects being built up from simple primitive shapes. The modeling is done with a simple programming language. Using this language the modeler can create simple to very complex objects.

We will be covering how to install OpenSCAD on a Windows and Mac OS, how to create our first simple object and finally how to export the complex object as an SLT file. An SLT file can be further processed by a slicer, such as Ultimaker's Cura, for printing on a 3D printer.